Can’t find what you’re looking for? Don’t worry. We’ve put together these FAQs to make sure you get the answer you’re after.

I have a friend/relative that is looking for a work experience placement. Can they do this through volunteering?

Unfortunately we're not able to offer work experience placements through our volunteering programme. All requests for work experience should be directed to Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

What commitment will I need to make to work with volunteers in my ward or service?

We will work together with you and your team to design and develop a volunteer role that addresses a specific area of need in your ward, department or service. We'll need you to identify a member of staff to be a Volunteer Supervisor, acting as our main point of contact for your ward or service and supporting volunteers during their shift.

What sorts of tasks can volunteers help with?

We recruit and train volunteers to carry out specific roles at our hospitals. Depending on the requirements of each role, there will be certain tasks they can help with and others where it wouldn't be appropriate for them to provide support. We'll provide all the information you need to know about the sorts of tasks volunteers can and can't do before they join your team.

How long will it take before volunteers can start?

We'll work with you and your team to design a role that meets a specific area of need in your ward, department or service. Before we can recruit volunteers, we'll need to create a role description and a risk assessment. We'll also need any members of your team that will be working alongside volunteers to complete our short 'Working with volunteers' training module on LEARN.