Hold your own fundraiser

What can I do to raise funds?

There are so many different ways you can get involved and support our work. From dress down days in the office, bake sales and barbecues to glamorous evening galas, raffles and garden parties - almost anything you enjoy can be a great way to raise funds.

Need some inspiration to get you started? Read our fantastic fundraising pack for lots of ideas, advice and support to kick-start your fundraising event.

Read our fundraising pack to find out more.

What support will I receive?

From start to finish, we’ll provide lots of support to help you make your event a big success - and our dedicated team will be on hand to help with anything you might need along the way.

When you sign up for an event, you’ll receive:

  • a copy of our fantastic fundraising pack, filled with hints and tips to get you started
  • an Imperial Health Charity T-shirt to wear during your event
  • promotional materials, such as posters and leaflets, to help you spread the word
  • one-on-one support from our fundraising team as you prepare for your event.

To get started with your event, follow our five simple steps:

1. Choose the hospital, ward or department that means the most to you.

Have you experienced outstanding care in a particular ward or team? Or perhaps you’d like to raise funds towards your local hospital? Just tell us which ward, department or service you’d like to support and we’ll make sure the funds you raise go towards a healthcare project that will improve care for patients or provide extra support for NHS staff.

2. Choose your event.

Already got a great idea? Great! Just let us know and we’ll share further advice and support to get you started. If you’re not sure what you’d like to do yet, read our fantastic fundraising pack for lots of inspirational stories and ideas.

3. Get your friends and family onboard.

Recruit some helpers to support you with your event. Call up your friends, relatives and colleagues to lend a hand and spread the word on social media.

4. Start collecting sponsorship.

The quickest and simplest way to raise funds is to set up your own JustGiving page and encourage everyone you know to pledge their support. Make sure you let us know which hospital, ward or department you’d like the funds you raise to go to - then everything takes care of itself.

5. Put your feet up!

Once all the fun of your event is over, you can relax knowing you’ve made a real difference for patients and NHS staff at our hospitals.

Get in touch

For more information about holding your own fundraising event, you can contact our
team. Just email [email protected] or call 020 3640 7766.