Support patients in finding a creative outlet: Spring Appeal 2024

Support patients in finding a creative outlet: Spring Appeal 2024

23 May 2024

Support patients in finding a creative outlet: Spring Appeal 2024
No matter how long a patient stays in hospital, it can be a worrying time.

Here at Imperial Health Charity, we deliver a creative and dynamic Arts Engagement Programme providing patients with creative activities that offer positive distraction during their hospital stay and opportunities for self-expression.

Our 2024 Spring Appeal is raising funds to enhance our programme and help us reach more patients across the five West London hospitals of Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust. We provide a range of stimulating and engaging activities direct to their bedside, with 95% of patients saying creativity and art during their stay in hospital improved their wellbeing.  

We firmly believe that time spent in hospital should encourage creativity and enrichment.

Rhian, an Arts Facilitator for Imperial Health Charity said, “During the eight years that I’ve delivered activities across our hospitals, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible benefits of arts activities on people’s wellbeing. Being creative is a way to express yourself, and is especially important for patients who have experienced the loss of one or many of their freedoms due to illness.

“As we celebrate Creativity and Wellbeing Week (20 - 26 May) we are asking for your kind support to help us deliver vital creative sessions, allowing us to reach more patients on our wards.”

A gift of just £50 could buy art materials, including coloured pastels, chalk and marbled paints so that patients can take part in a wide range of creative activities to suit their interests.

Carol, a dialysis patient at Charing Cross Hospital said, “Doing things where I’m picking up little pieces, like gems and paper, is good for me. Using the pencils helps my hands and flexes them. I never used to be able to do that.

“Doing the art has been really therapeutic and I look forward to it every week.”

Our Arts Engagement Coordinator, Lauren has shared how our Spring Appeal will make a direct impact for patients.

This Creativity and Wellbeing Week we ask that you give generously to create a welcoming and engaging hospital experience.  If you would like to make a donation, please visit: and select Spring Appeal from the dropdown menu.

Share your support with us on social media by tagging @Imperialcharity on Instagram & X and we’ll make sure to give you a shoutout.