Staff Art Exhibition

Staff Art Exhibition

November 2019 - December 2020

Staff Art Exhibition


The Arts Team at Imperial Health Charity is delighted to present this exhibition of art by staff of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, showcasing the hidden talents within our hospitals. 

Earlier this year, we invited staff from across the Trust to submit work to us for display in a show that will tour Charing Cross, St Mary’s and Hammersmith hospitals over the next year.  The art has been created either by our very talented staff themselves or a close family member. 

This is the second staff art exhibition we have staged, and of the 29 participants we have a broad selection of roles, ranging from midwives, nurses, radiographers, to surgeons and biomedical scientists.  Many of the artworks are accompanied by statements from the artists highlighting the benefits of creativity: art can provide a sense of calm and relief from work, or can be seen as a tool to improve and enhance working life in the hospitals.


We believe creativity is key to our health and wellbeing.  There is growing tangible proof that engaging in arts and other cultural activities can help people stay well, recover faster, manage long term conditions and experience a better quality of life. This exhibition celebrates the diverse and multitalented people that make up the NHS, and we hope that it might inspire you to get creative too.
Our thanks to all the participants who have loaned their works with us for the next year.
Above photo: Dunisha Samarasinghe Tour de Force 2014, Robert Sequeira Forest Calm 2017, Phoebe Rutherford Potrait of Loredana 2017